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Nomura-backed crypto custodian firm Komainu has secured $75 million in funding led by from Blockstream to accelerate global expansion. Komainu, a regulated crypto custodian built as a joint venture between Nomura, CoinShares, and Ledger, has raised $75 million from Blockstream…...
Read MoreHere are the real reasons the Lunex Network token could surpass Tron and Cardano in terms of return on investment in the coming months. #partnercontent...
Read MoreRoss Ulbricht is the founder of the deep web marketplace called Silk Road. If you surf through crypto X, you may notice that some count the days until Trump’s inauguration, believing that on day one, he will get Ulbricht out…...
Read MoreCoinlango is a suitable platform for users who are looking for fresh real-time data, pro-market charts, deep analytical tools, and functions, as well as a simple trading interface for newcomers.